Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is this a sector of anxiety anxiety?

I know i have anxiety, but is this a division of it:?
everytime i go to sleep i get up up having shortness of breath..and a unusual pressure from my stomache, which i think cause me the shotrness of breath.Is this a sector of anxiety anxiety?
Sometimes when I'm really stressed, I get migranes, severe stomachs and dizzyiness. So it could be.
I own an odd premonition though from this description. The pressure in your stomach is worrying me a bit. Get it checked up to label sure you don't have something else other afterwards anxiety
hek yeah !
I have asthma, but during an anxiety attack it brings it on, remarkably easily. everything tenses up, which cause you stomach to get complicated, and it might feel close to a pressure.
when you put yourself to bed, does your mind just jump, and do you grind your teeth, and have nightmares?
sometimes anxiety can bring worse at night,
my idea is because when your faced near the stress, someone with anxiety stuffs it surrounded by, and deals beside it, calmly, but at darkness, you no longer have to save up that fight.
but this nature of sounds like that disease, where on earth you stop breathing at night, ask your doctor around that.
If you don't exhale for a minute, every 10 minutes, it starts to hurt your lungs. It is possible to do that just out of anxiety.still phone your doc.
Sounds like anxiety..sounds approaching a panic or anxiety attack. When that happen to me, its a panic attack. Ask your dr something like Ativan.. its helped my anxiety.

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